Thursday, July 16, 2009

In the morning hours

its early morning in beautiful Keller, Texas. 7:52 at this precise moment. I've always been a morning person. It's quite sad if im completely honest. No other morning persons i know exist. So basically i sit and watch the sun rise possible jot down a few things in my over flowing notebook and then grab a shower. I believe that my becoming a morning person was parallel with my taking care of my appearance. Metrosexuality if you will. I suppose it happened when i grew my hair and realised. SHIT. Its not straight at all its wavy. Then a whole new word came in to describe it. Thick. This prompted the buying of straightening irons and around 6 million different products. I tried to be a rocker i really did i wanted long flowing locks of gorgeous hair long past my shoulders. This of course is alot harder than it looked and i gave in and had my hair cut. I dont know why im telling you all this  I've been quite the blog addict. Maybe I'll put some lyrics or poetry up next it seems fitting.

Good Morning


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